Thursday Gymnastic/midline
Warm up
3 rounds or 10 min
20 Air squats
30 sec Samson stretch, both legs
20 Jumping jacks
20 Banded pull apart
10 Hanging scapula shrugs
20 sec lats/hamstrings stretch, hands on wall
10 Banded RDL

Prepare for metcon

5 Rounds for time
7 Burpee box jump overs
5 Chest to bars
3 min rest
5 rounds for time
7 Burpee to wallball*
5 Ring dips
3 min rest
5 rounds for time
7 Clean and jerks 50/35kg
5 Handstand push ups
*Instead of jumping up from the burpee throw the wallball to target
*Do the burpee without touching the wallball
*Same standard as usual on wallballs

L1: 5 CTB + 1 BMU, 1 RMU + 5 ring dips, 60/43kg, 10/7cm deficit HSPU
L3: Pull ups, box dips, 43/30kg, box hspu
L4: Jumping chest to bars, box dips, 30/20kg, regular push ups