Monday Strength, Squat/Oly
Warm up
3 Rounds or 10 min
2:00 Row (or machine or jog)
10+10m Banded lateral side step (R/L)
10+10m Banded monster walk (Forward/Backward)
20 plate jumps
30 sec Handstand hold
5+5 Kettlebell press

Shoulder complex 15-20 min
3 strict press
6 push press
9 push jerks
Work up to a heavy 18 rep complex
Do max 3 attempts with all 18 reps

AMRAP 7 min
5 Thrusters
1 Rope climb

L1: 40/30kg
L2: 30/20kg
L3: 20/15kg
L4: 20/15kg front squat