Monday Gymnastics midline
Start every 30 sec and hold for 10-20 sec, for 6 min
Hollow hold
Toe to bar practice 15-20 min
On floor, arms on floor stretch overhead 1-5 min
Without the hollow position or lats activated, try to bring knees to elbows slowly. (This is difficult to impossible)
Next, reset yourself on the floor in a hollow hold position, arms extended overhead and do the same thing. This should be much easier. This replicates what’s needed in movement to do a toe to bar
Ball up in low rings 5-8 min
Start with straight arms holding in rings (they stay straight throughout the movement)
Lift your feet from the floor and bring the knees to the chest (tucked position) inside the elbows
Then lower yourself back down with control.
Spotters can help by putting pressure on the lower back, helping them up.
Hanging from bar, no kipping 5-8min
Hang in a hollow position
Lift feet and flex knees
Move knees to elbows (closing the angle of the shoulder)
Spotters can help by putting pressure on the lower back, helping them up.
7 min AMRAP of:
3 Toes to bar
3 Overhead squats
3 Lateral burpees over the bar
6 Toes to bar
6 Overhead squats
6 Lateral burpees over the bar
9 Toes to bar
9 Overhead squats
9 Lateral burpees over the bar
*keep adding 3 repetitions, per movement, per round.
L1: 40/30kg
L2: 35/25kg
L3: 30/20kg, Stay with 3 toes to bars every round
L4: 30/20kg, Hanging knee raises, frontsquat