EMOM 5 min
1-2 Snatch balance with 2 sec pause in bottom (catch)
EMOM 5 min
1-2 High hang snatch (mid-thigh) with 2sec pause in catch
Doesn’t have to be squat
Pick a weight that you control, increase during if you like.
Only the first EMOM at lunch
Show and decide what movement to use in hspu
AMRAP 12 min
200m run
8 Handstand push ups
4 Overhead squat 40/30kg
L1: 60/43,5kg, strict HSPU
L2: RX
L3: 30/20kg, 4 negative HSPU
L4: Frontsquat, 4 HSPU from box OR 8 in downward facing dog (som en planka på händer men lyft upp rumpan mot taket)