Toes to bar progressions
3-4 sets of

– 30 sec Hollow rock
– 3 Jump to deadhang
– 3 Kip and stop in deadhang, start from the ground each rep
– 3 Kip with knee raises
– 3 Kip with knee raises and kick feet out
– 3 Toes to bar

Rest as needed between movements, don’t hang to long.

In team of 2 TC 18 min

– Buy in 1200/1000m row (share anyhow)

Then relay style, you go I go (4 rounds each)

8 Rounds
– 9 Toes to bar
– 12 Dumbbells shoulder to overhead 2×22,5/15kg
– 15 Wallballs 9/6kg
– 30 Double unders

L1: Add 2/1 bar muscle up before toes to bar
L2: RX
L3: 3 toes to bar, 6 DB s2oh, 15 double unders
L4: Hanging knee raises, 15/10 DB, 30 singel unders