6 day cycle, moves forward each week
– Squat
– Snatch
– Midline
– Press
– C&J
– Movement mid line mobility


As a part of warm up

– Snatch balance with bar 3 sets with 5 reps
Make them perfect, speed down and press up

Then, after warm up

– Build up weight in snatch balance

Find your daily 1 rep max in 10 min


– Snatch grip deadlift
5 sets with 3 reps

Ex: 60-70-80-90-100kg
OR 40-50-60-70-75kg

3 Rounds TC 5 min

– 12 Pull ups

– 6 Toes to bar
– 3 Snatch balance 40/30kg
– AMRAP Power snatch in the remainder

L1: 60/40kg
L2: RX
L3: 6 pull ups, 6 hanging knee raises, 20/15kg snatch balance, 30/20kg power snatch
L4: 12 ring rows, 6 sit ups, 3 front squat 20/15kg, amrap frontsquat