Sunday Strength, Squat/Oly
Warm up
3 rounds
5 down and ups
20 plate jumps
2x10m run, faster each 10m
3 rounds
10 dumbbell bench press, light weight
5 push ups
10-20 sec handstand hold
Warm up the movements and work up to a little higher than starting weight
20 min EMOM
Each movement is 5 rounds (5 min)
3 Strict press
2 Push press
1 Push jerk
1 Split jerk
*Use 75-85% on each movement, same weight on all 5 minutes
Example weights
L1: 70/47-80/53-90/60-100/70kg
L2: 50/35-60/40-70/45-80/50kg
L3: 40/30-45/33-50/35-55/38kg
L4: 30/20-35/25-40/30-45/35kg