Monday Gymnastic/midline
Warm up
Within 6 min complete
40 High knees
40 Mountain climbers
20 Scapula push ups
30 Air squats
30 Plate jumps

Broad jump 10-15 min
From a standing position jump as far you can and land with control on your feet’s.
Deadhang for time, TC 4 min
All at the same time
Jump up in the rig and hold for as long as possible
Its ok to rearrange the grip within the first 5 seconds, after that you may not regrip, if you do your out.

5 rounds
200m run
Burpee box jump overs
*New set every 3 minutes
*Time cap each round is 2:30 minutes

L1: 10 Burpees
L2: 8 Burpees
L3: 6 Burpees
L4: 4 Burpees