Monday Endurance
Warm up
6-8 min amrap
10 Inchworms
20 Air squats
10 kips in bar or rings
5+4+3 Jumping pullups, kipping, strict
10 hip bridges
10 sec handstand hold
AMRAP 12 min
10-20-30-40 and so on of
Air squats
Step back lunges
Rest 2 min
AMRAP 12 min
5-10-15-20 and so on of
Pull ups
Push ups
Rest 2 min
1600m run
L1: Use a weight vest, strict pull ups, hand release push ups
L3: Reps second part: 2-4-6-8-10 and so on
L4: Reps on second part: 2-3-4-5-6 and so on, ring row and on knees if needed