Sunday Team
500m row for time
Prepare accordingly

Team of 4
1 Row for calories during the whole AMRAP
3 Work on AMRAP
Switch athletes how you like between rowing and amrap
AMRAP 25 min
30 Synced airsquat, all 3 athletes in a line facing the same way
30 Handstand push ups, 1 working
30 Wallballs over pull ups bar 9/6kg (2 athletes throwing to one another)
30 Alternating dumbbell snatch to thrusters 22,5/15kg, 1 working
8 Rope climbs, 1 working and 2 hang in deadhang

L1: Strict HSPU, 22,5/15kg DB, 16/10kg WB/slamball
L2: –
L3: Box HSPU, 15/10kg DB
L4: Hand release push ups, 6/4kg WB, 10/7kg DB or KB, jump up and hold 3 sec in rope
Pick a middle ground for mixed teams