Team of 2, You go i go
0-3 min: Partner A 500m row then max reps pull ups
3-6 min: Partner B 500m row then max reps pull ups
6-9 min: Partner A 500m row then max reps pull ups
9-12 min: Partner B 500m row then max reps pull ups
12-18 min: Establish 1 rep max clean anyhow
Then for time* share anyhow
300 Double unders
150 Wallballs 9/6kg
75 Burpee box jump overs
*E3MOM 10 Kettlebell step overs 24/16kg
L1: Chest to bars OR strict pull ups, 32/24kg KB
L3: Banded pull ups, 150 DU, 120 WB, 50 BBJO, 16/12kg KB
L4: Ring rows, 300 Single unders, 100WB 6/4kg, 50 BBJO, 12/8kg KB