Midline stability (Warm up)
Every 4-5 min for 8-10 min (2 sets)
10-20 sec front level
10 Alternating v-ups
10 Push ups to open up (Hollow body position)
ASAP Dead hang to L-sit (ASAP=As many as possible)
10+10 Side up (side jackknife)
20 sec Flutter kicks
1-10 Diamond push up
Toe to bar progressions 10-15 min
-Kip to deadhang in the middle and start to kip again
-Kip with knee raise (hanging knee raises)
-Kipping knee to elbow
-Kip with kick forward and back down
-Kip and toe to bar
Show and go through all stages, show the movement then let all test for 10-30 sec, then next movement
Before metcon
Show movements then let them take a couple of minutes to build up to metcon weight.
AMRAP 16 min
Team of 2, alternate movements
10 Toes to bar
8 Deadlift
6 Dumbbell squat cleans
L1: 100/70kg, 2×22,5/15kg
L2: 70/50kg, 2×22,5/15kg
L3: 60/40kg, 2×15/10kg
L4: 50/30kg, Goblet squats
For toes to bar, pick the progression that you need to practise