Practice handstand push ups and rope climb technique for 10-15 min

In teams of 2
For time TC 20 min, one work, one rest
– 15 Strict Handstand push ups, each
– 30 synced pull ups
-120 wallballs, 20 unbroken per person 9/6kg, restart if ball touch ground, from zero, yes.
– 30 synced pull ups
– 15 rope climbs, share anyhow
– 10 m handstand walk, both

Level 1: 10/5cm deficit hspu, ctb, legless rope climbs
Level 2: Rx
Level 3: Kipping hspu, 30 pull ups each no sync, Wallball may touch floor with no penalty, half way rope climbs, 2×10 wheelbarrow
Level 4: Push ups, 30 Bar rows on pull up rig each, 120 regular WB 6/4kg, Rope climb from floor to standing and back down, 2x10m crabwalk, each